A Nano "Think and Do" Tank
Assisting start-ups with government agencies, investors, corporations, universities and national
Changing the Landscape of U.S. Energy: Nano and Micro Technologies Making A Difference
Woodrow Wilson International Center - 12 to 5 pm, June 10, 2003
Streaming video will be available of this event by July 10th.
(Click on the links below for information on some of these dynamic technologies.)
12:30 pm - Overview
Dave Rejeski, Woodrow Wilson International Center
Jim Hurd, NanoScience Exchange
12:45 pm -
Keynote - Professor Richard Smalley, Nobel Laureate Professor, Rice University -
The Smalley Group
1:15 - Panel 1
Robert Walker, WexlerWalker, and Former Congressman and Chairman of the House Science Committee
Dennis Wilson, Nanotechnologies, Inc. - Materials for Energy Markets
Carl Kukkonen, CEO, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation
Harry Efstathiadis, Energy Program at Albany Nanotech - E2TAC
2:20 - Panel 2
Mark Modzelewski, NanoBusiness Alliance (Moderator)
Paul Wormser, COO, Konarka - Light-weight, flexible photovoltaics
Martin Roscheisen, CEO, NanoSolar - Solar
Joel Serface, Eastman Ventures
3:25 - Break
3:45 - Panel 3
Rodney Slater, Patton Boggs and Former Secretary of Transportation
Jerry Simmons, Sandia Labs - Solid-state Lighting at Sandia
Theo Lee, CEO, HTI - Cleaner coal technologies
Craig Nelson, Chief Technology Officer, Solicore - New Battery Technologies
Closing Speaker - Kristin Bennett, DOE Office of Science, Program Manager for the Nanoscience Centers
5:00 Adjourn