NanoScience Exchange
Facilitating action between six key groups - start-ups, corporations, investors, universities,
labs and government.
Articles on the NanoScience Exchange
KTVU segment on nanotech, including comments by Jim Hurd of the NanoScience Exchange
In-depth article in Chemical and Engineering News on the March 11 event, "Nanotech Business Takes Flight"
Feature Article in Small Times Magazine, October 23, 2002
"Nano Organization Tries to Put the Valley Back on Washington's Map"
Nanotech Planet article
"The Nano Circuit" Column, Nanotech Planet
August 30, 2002
By Sandra Helsel
"Jim Hurd, founder of the NanoScience Exchange, recently explained his new endeavor to The Nano Circuit. "We are facilitating strong relationships between leading nanotech experts and government officials and key media," he said.
The goals of Hurd's NanoScience Exchange are to work closely with government officials to develop strong relationships with nanotech experts; to foster discussion on benchmarking key areas of the U.S. nanotech program; and to develop strong relationships with the national media so that adults, teenagers and children have access to timely and accurate information on the realities and potential of nanotech.
The second NanoScience Exchange meeting was held earlier in August at the Silicon Valley Bank in Santa Clara. Numerous topics were discussed including concerns that the United States does not have a compelling lead in nanotech research, which could have national security implications down the road.
Several of the evening's discussions related to patents. The large number of nanotechnology patents being filed could overlap and result in litigation that could slow growth dramatically. Speakers were concerned about the difficulty that U.S. companies are having in getting their patents issued in Japan. Also discussed were proposed major patent fee increases for the U.S. Patent Office."
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